Dover Cliffs projection image announcing ban on live exports from Great Britain

Stop this suffering around the world!

Now others must act!

We've banned live exports from Great Britain, but it's not over yet, millions of animals still need our help.

We must keep fighting to end this

In February 2024, about 15,000 animals were left packed on board the MV Bahijah vessel off the coast of Western Australia for weeks, because of security fears about the planned route through the Red Sea. After a short reprieve on dry land, worse was yet to come as the sheep and cattle were re-shipped to the Middle East, having to go the long way around Africa. From first setting off, to their final arrival, the journey took nearly 3 months - just imagine how terrifying that must have been for all the animals onboard. Sadly, this is just one of many stories that have hit the news headlines recently.


Sheep looking through the bars of an transport lorry

We can help even more farmed animals

With the recent British ban, and the swell of global media live export stories, the tide of change is on our side. Germany is stopping live exports to non-EU countries, New Zealand has banned live animal exports by sea, Australia has committed to banning live exports to the Middle East from 2028, and a judge in Brazil has stated that this trade should cease. So please, help us keep up this momentum until live exports are banned everywhere. We can't do it without your help.

Pigs looking through the gaps of a transport lorry

We did it! We can do it again

You know what we can achieve when we work together. We have finally won the battle to Ban Live Exports from Great Britain for slaughter or fattening! This was only possible with the amazing support of people like you! Thank you for your commitment and thank you for making a donation today. With your help we can ban this cruel trade across the world, and keep up the fight to give farmed animals a life worth living.

Celebration projection onto the White Cliffs of Dover
Four hens in a grassy field on a sunny day


Over 2.5 billion

farmed animals set to benefit every year, because of our work with the food industry.

Four piglets looking at the camera


Animals recognised as sentient beings

In May 2023, the UK law recognising animals as sentient beings came into force.

A ewe and her lamb layimg down in a grassy field on a sunny day


3 billion farmed animals

a year benefit from higher welfare thanks to our supporters and Compassion's

About us

For over 55 years, Compassion in World Farming has remained dedicated to reforming the world's broken food system, ending factory farming and introducing a more humane, fair, and sustainable system.

Two grey coloured cows huddled together

We need you

Our promise to you is to use your gift in the most effective manner possible to end factory farming:

  • Save Animals. Factory farming is the bigget cause of animal cruelty on the planet.
  • Save Our Planet. Factory farming intensifies climate change.
  • Save Wildlife. Factory farming threatens the survival of many animals and plants.
  • Save Our Future. Factory farming wastes resources, giving little food energy in return.
  • Save Our Health. Factory farming breeds disease and causes antibiotic resistance.

The vision, involvement, and investment of Compassion's monthly supporters will help the world move past cruelty and destruction, sparking a new era in agriculture and farmed animal welfare.

Together, we can pioneer abundant, sustainable food that is free from animal suffering, now and for generations to come.


Where your money goes

For every £1, 77p goes back into our work. The remainder is invested in fundraising to grow our campaigns and the global movement against the world’s biggest cause of animal cruelty.

A pie chart displaying how donations are used

Our Donor Charter

  • We are approachable
  • We act with integrity
  • We respect your privacy
  • We are accountable
  • We spend income wisely
Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Other ways to donate

By post:
Send a cheque payable to "CIWF" to:
Compassion in World Farming (WA001),
River Court, Mill Lane, Godalming,
Surrey, GU7 1EZ

By phone:
UK – call us free on 0800 999 0101
From outside the UK, call +44(0)1483 521 953
Lines open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
As some of our team are working remotely, we would be most grateful if you are able to contact us using our email form. If you prefer to leave a message, we will be pleased to return your call at the earliest opportunity. We apologise in advance for any delay and thank you very much for your patience.

Leave a gift in your Will:
Leaving a gift to Compassion in World Farming can be one of the most powerful ways to change the future for farmed animals, ensuring that your values, passion and commitment to ending factory farming will continue.

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