Pig trapped in a cage, biting it in distress

Help us investigate and expose cruelty

Please donate today 

It takes time, money and persistence to win new laws to ban cruel cages and to end factory farming for good.

Can you help fund our investigation and ongoing campaigns?

Farmed animals are suffering 

In intensive systems, mother pigs may be imprisoned in narrow crates, barely able to move in early pregnancy and when nursing their piglets. Hens, calves and rabbits are trapped in crates and cages too. 

Factory farmed animals are deprived of almost everything that makes life worth living. Most will never experience the outside world. They can become stressed, exhausted, and their suffering is immense. 

You can help stop this nightmare by donating!

Two piglets snout to snout with their mother who is laying down trapped in a cage

Why are you so crucial right now? 

If we can achieve legislation to ban cages in Europe, we’ll be setting a precedent for better, cruelty-free lives for billions of animals in the UK and across the world.

Ending cruel cages, as well as the factory farming system and the suffering it causes, is a huge ambition and right now we are up against serious challenges. 

But with your amazing support, we can succeed.

Pig trapped in a cage looking sad

People like you make a difference 

Thanks to our generous supporters and NGO partners, Compassion in World Farming spearheaded a campaign that led to 1.4 million people in the UK and Europe calling for an End to the Cage Age. 

As a result, the European Commission promised to introduce legislation to phase out cages across the European Union. But it failed to deliver. That’s why we’re funding legal action, an investigation, and stepping up our campaigns to raise awareness and put pressure on policymakers.

Will you help support our work?

A group of high welfare piglets standing in a field, trees and mountains in the background

Compassion in World Farming

We were founded in 1967 by Peter and Anna Roberts. Peter was a dairy farmer who was horrified by the rapid development of intensive farming. When no one else would take action, he did. Today, thanks to people like you, we are the leading organisation focusing on the welfare of farmed animals. 

Together, we campaign to end suffering and change lives. Our vision is a world where farmed animals are treated with compassion and respect. 

A group of high welfare lambs and sheep in a green field, one in front looking at the camera
High welfare brown hens standing in a field of green grass

Our successes

Better lives for hens

after we won a ban on barren battery cages for laying hens across the European Union in 2012.

Two high welfare brown calves standing in a field of green grass

Our successes

Better lives for calves

after we helped win a ban on cruel veal crates in the UK in 1990 and throughout the EU in 2007.

2 high welfare piglets laying next to each other in a field of green grass

Our successes

Happier sows

after we helped win a ban on sow stalls in the UK in 1999 and a partial ban in the EU in 2013.


Where your money goes

For every £1, 77p goes back into our work. The remainder is invested in fundraising to grow our campaigns and the global movement against the world’s biggest cause of animal cruelty.

A pie chart displaying how donations are used

Our Donor Charter

  • We are approachable
  • We act with integrity
  • We respect your privacy
  • We are accountable
  • We spend income wisely
Registered with Fundraising Regulator

Other ways to donate

By post:
Send a cheque payable to "CIWF" to:
Compassion in World Farming (WA001),
River Court, Mill Lane, Godalming,
Surrey, GU7 1EZ

By phone:
UK – call us free on 0800 999 0101
From outside the UK, call +44(0)1483 521 953
Lines open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
As some of our team are working remotely, we would be most grateful if you are able to contact us using our email form. If you prefer to leave a message, we will be pleased to return your call at the earliest opportunity. We apologise in advance for any delay and thank you very much for your patience.

Leave a gift in your Will:
Leaving a gift to Compassion in World Farming can be one of the most powerful ways to change the future for farmed animals, ensuring that your values, passion and commitment to ending factory farming will continue.

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We respect your privacy and would like to assure you that we will never sell personal details, or swap them with other organisations. For more information on how we use and look after personal data, please read our privacy policy.

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